Varför treenigheten är så viktig

Förutom nedanstående kan nämnas att kristendomen alltid bryter samman och förvandlas till något annat så fort Kristi gudom förnekas. Det första är att sammankopplingen mellan Gamla och Nya Testamentet kan och börjar ifrågasättas, och sedan bär det iväg till olika sekter som i slutändan har mycket lite gemensamt med kristendomen, förutom att de ser Kristus som en förebild. En märklig förebild kan då tyckas, då Jesus själv påstod sig vara Gud, och dessa sekter förnekar alltså det han själv sagt, vilket i deras ögon borde göra honom antingen till lögnare eller galning.

The Trinity Accounts for the Description of Evidence
The Bible describes the existence of one true God, yet also attributes the characteristics of this God to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit individually. The Biblical evidence requires us to seek a solution that acknowledges the singularity of God while respecting the Deity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For this reason, the Trinity is not a creative whim, it is an effective solution.

The Trinity Accounts for the Derivation of Love
God is love (I John 4:8) and He has been love from all eternity. How could this be possible if God could ever exist without someone to love? Did God create humans so He could experience love? Was this the first time that God experienced relational love of this nature? The Triune nature of God explains why love is an innate quality of God; the three eternal Persons of the Godhead are in eternal relationship with one another.

The Trinity Accounts for the Deity of Jesus
This is often over looked, but make no mistake about it: all deviations from historical Trinitarianism have compromised the eternal divine nature of Jesus. It’s that simple. The Early Church Councils corrected the errors of Adoptionism (2nd Century), Docetism (2nd Century), Monarchianism (2nd and 3rd Century), Sabellianism (3rd Century), Arianism (4th Century), and Socinianism (16th and 17th Century). In addition to these historic mischaracterizations of the triune nature of God, there are several current mischaracterizations, including the polytheism of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the denial of the Trinity present in many Unitarian groups, including the Christadelphians. When the Trinity is denied, Jesus is typically demoted from divinity or subjugated as a lessor being.

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